Wednesday, January 29, 2014

We've Got You Covered!

Don't worry, we've got you covered!  A familiar phrase often used in an action movie.

It was the Christmas Concert in La Vega.  This was a very big deal because our choir, consisting of members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and a handful of enthusiastic singers not of our faith joined together to perform with the Catholic youth orchestra.  La Vega had not had any kind of Christmas concert like this in the past.  We were to perform Christmas music singing along with the orchestra and all proceeds of the concert would go to a charitable organization providing relief for the hungry.  The MicroVision television station was there to record the concert for TV later on in the week.

We had been there a few hours practicing before the concert, several of the choir members had their makeup done for their debut on TV, and it was nearing performance time.  "I need to use the ladies room," two of the sister missionaries, Hermanas Baez and Weller, declared.  Well, I thought, I might as well go with them.  So off we went.

As we were heading out to the bathroom, Elders Farnsworth and Jensen warned us, "The men's bathrooms are really strange.  We hope the women's bathrooms are not the same."  What could be so different, I wondered?  This year I turned 60 years old, and I can tell you that I've been to my fair share of bathrooms with our nine children and our twenty grandchildren.

We have been to France, Germany, Spain, Gibraltar, Portugal, and about 46 of the states in America. Never in all of our adventures have I seen a bathroom like the one in the Dominican Republic in La Vega in the Dosa, (Club Deportivo Domingo Savio) where our concert was performed.

In order to get into the concert hall, you have to walk up two steps and enter through the door.  Immediately on your left is the ladies bathroom.  A great location for a bathroom so you can take care of business right before the concert.  However, all concert goers must pass by the women's room in order to get to the concert hall.

The sister missionaries and I walked to the bathroom.  The sign on the door indicated it truly was the women's bathroom.  We looked around, was there any other place we could go to take care of our business?  The outside bathroom door and walls were made of glass.  The bathroom stall doors were made of glass.  A woman inside using the bathroom had a lovely yellow dress on.  What were we going to do?  It was nearing time for the concert to start and we knew we wouldn't make it through the concert without using the bathroom.

"Don't worry, I've got you covered!"  Two of us stood in front of the door becoming the human screen for the sister using the bathroom.  As I was standing there in the shape of a human X, my husband walked up the stairs to go down the hall to the concert.  His eyes caught mine and he started coming towards me.  "No, No, don't come in.  This is the bathroom!"  I shouted.  Baffled, my husband walked on.  The crowd continued to file up the steps, all turning their heads to see what was going on behind those glass doors.

We were grateful there were three of us:-)

Glass door to enter building. Notice the exact same
glass door and handle inside.  That is the door to
the women's bathroom.  Unbelievable, but true!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Oh The Strange Things You See

Just When You Think You've Seen it All

One of these pigs is not like the other. . .

Hot air balloon basket

Dog gang
Anyone interested in buying bowling pins?

Somehow, I just wouldn't feel safe driving in this bus.

Dog on the roof

Justin Bieber in the Dominican Republic

The National Police, enough said. . .

The new fender look

I'm going to get me one of these when I get home!

Yep, those are leaves on the van.

A sign in the metro station prohibiting anyone from bringing the above things on the metro.  Notice the bottom right picture.  Yes, it is a refrigerator and yes, people try to bring refrigerators on the metro.

                                  Kids riding in the back of a pickup truck. . .no seat belts required

                                                    Would you climb this scaffolding?

Display in the metro in Santiago of a toilet and sink used to
educate people about washing their hands after using the toilet.

                                                             Yes, three bananas in one.

                                                 Santa riding on top of a truck in January

                                          Who has the right of way? Car, moto, horse, pedestrian?

                                           Notice the lowest wire above the white car.
                                                       It hit the top of our truck.

                                                   What to do with your leftover soda bottles. . .

                                                           What street do you live on?

                                                           Not paying attention or illiterate?