We were in the back of her home and the children were happy and swinging on their homemade swing which was strung from the beam on the roof of the house about 6' above the ground. The swing itself was constructed from what looked like a 25 pound bag that their rice came in. The five year old daughter, Leslie, came over to me and could see that I really didn't know what was going on. She began pointing at various items, mesa (table) and would have me repeat. She was teaching me Spanish. At the end of our visit, the Mom asked me if I would offer the prayer. From the look on my face, this little 5 year old girl knew that I was in a state of panic. She came right up next to my side and began whispering in my ear for me to repeat the words of the prayer. . .
Nuesto Padre Celestial (Our Dear Heavenly Father)
Gracias por este dia (Thanks for this day)
En el nombre de Jesucristo, Amen (In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen)
Her sweet innocent spirit touched me deeply as she reached out to me in the time of my need. I felt my Heavenly Father's love through the innocence of this child. I was grateful for this experience.
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Leslie |
Thank you to all of you for your love and prayers and fasting in our behalf. I feel like I am making progress in learning the language, although I would like to be able to speak Spanish fluently right now! I recall the words of the blessing our Stake President gave me when The Lord told me to have faith in the gift of tongues. I will continue to work hard and know that The Lord is and will continue to bless me and Elder Fagersten.
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Leslie's brother , Tyler |
Thats so adorable!